If a student currently attends Dayton Christian and will not return for the upcoming school year, a family must complete the Decline Re-enrollment Form by March 1 of each year to avoid paying the Annual Student Commitment Fee and a withdrawal fee equivalent to 10 percent of a student's annual tuition.

Decline Re-Enrollment Form



Additional Forms

The following forms may also apply to your student(s) and must be (re)submitted every year. Please submit as necessary. For details  and pricing regarding additional services, please see the Additional Services: K-12 or Additional Services:PreK pages. 


Additional Forms

Preschool forms requesting additional services must be submitted annually. For pricing, please see Additional Services page. 

FormSubmit if:
 Decline Re-enrollment FormYour child will NOT be attending DC in 2025-2026
 Extended Learning Form (PreK)You wish to sign up your preschool child for Extended Learning
 Lunch Request Form (PreK)You wish to sign up your preschool child for lunch services

Dayton Christian School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in admissions policies, financial aid, athletic and other school-administered programs. DCS reserves the right to select students on the basis of academic performance, religious commitment, lifestyle choices, and personal qualifications including a willingness to cooperate with DCS administration and to abide by its policies. (Romans 2:11)